What 2018 Brings to Careers in Hospitality Management

top hotel management courses Vancouver has to offer
Just a handful of years ago, hospitality was very different from what it is today. Big screen TVs were the hot new technological luxury, menus were a firm and fixed endeavour, and lobbies were little more than where travellers sat while waiting to check in. Today, many of these facets have been turned upside down. Communal spaces are often brimming with activity, menus vary with the seasons, and many hotels have gone full tech with smart rooms, apps, and more.

For those interested in a career in hospitality, these kinds of dizzying changes come with the territory. However, they’re also part of what makes these careers so rewarding and fun. What hot new trends are picking up this year? Here are some changes that you might see during your future career and travels.

Pros With Careers in Hospitality Management Are Looking to Attract More Local Clientele

For several years now, hotels have been moving away from uniformity. No longer are chains looking to offer the same predictable menu with the same predictable decor in each of their locations. Instead, local ingredients and other unique elements are increasingly being featured in everything from big chains to small boutique hotels.

Attracting local clients is becoming a growing priority among many hospitality professionals
Attracting local clients is becoming a growing priority among many hospitality professionals

However, that’s not the only way those with careers in hospitality management are hoping to go local. Attracting local clientele is also becoming a top priority too. Attracting locals brings several advantages. For one, their business will be consistent throughout the year, even during quieter times when the height of the tourist season is long past. In addition, locals can help to bring a unique feeling of community to a hotel bar or restaurant. Guests can look forward to meeting people who live and work in the area, helping them gain an authentic understanding of local culture. As this trend continues to pick up steam throughout 2018, you might find yourself thinking about unique ways to encourage local customers to visit your future establishment.

Motels Are Making a Comeback in 2018

Motels make an iconic part of any roadtrip, whether that trip is a cross-country excursion or a quick weekend getaway. And while there’s always been a certain charm to their neon lights, deck chairs, and laid back decor, motels have in some ways fallen by the wayside.

Over the last few years, motels have been making a comeback
Over the last few years, motels have been making a comeback

Fortunately, according to many travel experts, motels are going through a revival. Combining a touch of retro charm, a dash of nostalgia, and a healthy dose of newness for a fresh twist, these revamped motels are taking the hospitality sector by storm. Fire pits, shuffle boards, poolside lounge chairs, movie nights, and other fun elements are taking on a fresh new look as this trend gets more popular in the new year. For graduates, revamping a run-down motel could be the perfect way to breathe new life into an old favourite, and bring in guests who are just as excited about the trend.

Travelling Hotels Are Springing Up All Over the World

While setting up shop in one location comes with many rewards, it’s understandable that some students who complete a college program in hospitality might have a little more wanderlust. If you want to travel the world throughout your career, then you’ll be happy to know that pop-up hotels are another top trend for 2018.

Temporary hotels are travelling all over the world in 2018
Temporary hotels are travelling all over the world in 2018

While pop-up hotels might have once been reserved for wealthy festival goers, they have now taken on a life of their own, making their way to destinations all over the planet. These travelling hotels will often set up shop in one location, be it Ankor Wat or London, where they will operate for several weeks or months before packing up shop and resettling in a new locale. Often, these hotels are made with sustainable materials to help minimize environmental impact. If you would like to work in a variety of different settings throughout your career, consider jumping into this trend as it continues to grow in popularity.

Do you want to tap into these latest trends, or start one of your own?

Find out how you can unlock your potential through some of the top hotel management courses Vancouver has to offer!

How to Choose the Best Meal When Flying

How To Choose The Best Meal When Flying

Key Takeaways: Pre-select your meal whenever possible to ensure you get your preferred choice and avoid last-minute decisions on the plane. Consider the flight duration