Helpful Packing Tips and Tricks for Students Interested in Flight Attendant Careers

flight attendant careers
The nature of the job means flight attendants are often some of the world’s most experienced travellers. Their career takes them to all corners of the world, as they help ensure that passengers stay safe and comfortable. Knowing how to pack properly is an important skill in this line of work—even if the benefits might simply allow you to make the most of a destination, or feel ready for the day ahead.

Here are some packing tips for aspiring flight attendants looking to take off into this rewarding career.

Planning and Organizing Outfits

When packing, it’s important to plan and organize outfits. Flight attendant careers often involve planning for a variety of climates. Preparing a few different outfits with the same clothing can save space when you pack. Layering outfits is also helpful. A sweater can be added in case of a chilly day, or taken off if temperatures warm up throughout the course of a trip.

Packing a sweater along with other warm weather items is often a good idea
Packing a sweater along with other warm weather items is often a good idea

Be sure to include warm work clothes—even when packing for a trip to a balmy destination. Cabin temperatures tend to run low, and it can be difficult to get warm during a flight, so try to prepare with long clothing that has the ability to retain heat.

Becoming a Flight Attendant Means Maximizing Your Suitcase Space

For obvious reasons, when packing a bag for an upcoming trip, your clothes will take up most of the room. In order to make the most use of the limited space, try rolling clothes instead of folding them. This allows clothes to take up less room and also prevents wrinkles.

If you are looking for a more organized method, packing cubes can also be a good idea for keeping your clothes free of wrinkles and creases. These are basically small packs or bags which separate various clothing, toiletries, and other items. Packing cubes can fit into any carry-on, suitcase, or backpack, and make finding what you’re looking for easier without disrupting the rest of your luggage.

Be aware of the parameters of your bag and how much it can realistically fit
Be aware of the parameters of your bag and how much it can realistically fit

New graduates of flight attendant programs learn quickly that shoes are often bulky and hard to pack. Be sensible if you’re packing light, and wear the bulkier of the shoes you bring during your flight. You may also want to opt for flats, flip-flops, and other light-weight shoes which don’t take up much room and can be used in many different locations.

Be Prepared and Think Ahead

Often when it comes to travelling, planning ahead and being prepared can help you avoid any problems which might come up. Flight attendants may face a quick turnaround time, or focus on catching up on sleep in their off hours, and it’s important to make sure you’re prepared before your next shift to save on stress.

Try to save on time by laying your uniform out and having your bag packed so you don’t feel rushed when it’s time to leave. If your next shift is taking you to a destination with a different time zone, try to fit in some light exercise when your schedule allows. Your internal body clock can adjust more easily if you keep active before or after arriving to the intended destination.

Preparing before a flight can save time, money, and stress
Preparing before a flight can save time, money, and stress

Are you interested in becoming a flight attendant?

Contact Eton College for more information!

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How To Choose The Best Meal When Flying

Key Takeaways: Pre-select your meal whenever possible to ensure you get your preferred choice and avoid last-minute decisions on the plane. Consider the flight duration